February Wrap-Up

So this final February 2009 blog entry should bring us all up-to-date…. like usual, first we’ll do the news and then the flashback.

News: Ian continues to do well with the big boy bed.

A bit of serious news: Levi Schoenborn is struggling — but appears to be stable with — RSV at the moment, and we send our prayers and well-wishes to the little one. Many of you should remember Martin and Melissa, his parents, from our wedding, where they were instrumental in making things go well. Please take time out to send a wish of good health for Levi if you could please.

Flashback: Back on February 25th of this year the following images were taken, and I wanted to share them with you.

Ian found Mommy’s camera and called to me from the top of the steps as he lifted it off the table… “Daddy! Camrah! CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ.” I know I’m prejudiced about this: My son is cute. See this image larger.

Stopping by my desk for a few quick pointers, Ian was not surprised when I turned my camera on him. See this image larger.

More and more Ian bits are becoming boy-like… so it is not hard to really cherish those baby parts that are left. In this case: his little feet. Something about looking over on the couch next to me and seeing those toes pointing straight up at the ceiling makes me smile every time. (You can also see our cool mat collection has grown, this makes for a lot of fun, and works great when we exercise too!) See this image larger.

A “still life” picture is technically supposed to contain only inanimate objects. Get him in front of the TV, though, and that’s pretty much what you’ve got. See this image larger.

“I’d like to thank the Academy and my producer, Mommy — as well as God and who am I forgetting… oh all the people at daycare… and my physician…” See this image larger.

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