Fawn Island 2008 Trip II, Part II

Continuing our island adventure, here is the second and final part!

The squirting hippo toy welcomes us to a new entry and waves good morning to Ian on August third, 2008. See this image larger.

Here Ian has completely figured out how to open the screen doors of the cottage… luckily only from the outside… for now. Can’t keep a good man down, or a smart kid in. See this image larger.

A game of peek-a-boo with Mama in the early morning dew. Might want to choose a wider tree, kiddo! See this image larger.

“Somebody said and/or spelled boatride!!!” See this image larger.

Off these three went for another tour. Melissa and I either slept or looked at each other like “what do we do again when we’re not being parents?” See this image larger.

If a cottage or location could be alive enough to sigh in happiness when it sees a familiar sight, I would guess seeing Chris fish off the corner of the island like old times would do it. See this image larger.

I tested out the camera on my iPhone. So far not very good quality, but this is a good moment none-the-less. Ladies in the house! Gp Dave and Gm Marcia had a bit of a gathering over at the cottage and Ian never made so much as a peep! See this image larger.

Also at the gathering… Do you really have to wonder where Ian gets his sense of humor? Certainly quite a bit from the Johnson side, but no shortage from the Chapman side either! Well this is as good a place as any to say g’night! We had a great trip up at the island and returned home safe and sound on the fourth of August! Thanks everybody! See this image larger.

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