Farewell Jerry

Yesterday we lost Jerry Thiebert. Jerry was Grampa Dave’s best friend as far back as I can remember. We spent many a weekend in my childhood visiting the Thiebert home, out in a rural area on the east side of Michigan. I don’t even remember the name of the town, but I could tell you how to get there and I also remember the construction of their garage, grabbing lightning bugs out of the sky, the steps up to their door, and that their yard was a great place to play. My dad and Jerry had the kind of friendship I find enviable and have referenced often when talking to the best of my friends. Jerry was quick witted and even more quick with a smile and laugh, and from the perspective of the little boy I was — I kind of saw my dad and Jerry as each other’s side kick; neither taking the spotlight from the other — two Robins that didn’t need a Batman. Jerry succumbed to cancer that he’d been fighting for years, having fought it long enough to get a glimpse of his new grandchild. While I didn’t stay all that close to Jerry or his kids over the years, I can say with certainty that the world wakes up this morning minus one of the good guys. Our condolences to Jerry’s family – he will be missed.

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