Extended Weekend with the Kunzes 2008, Part IV
On the 29th Ben and Mel took us to an indoor waterpark that they had been to previously, and we had a blast! We all want to thank them for taking the time and effort to show us a great time while we were there! Here’s some pictures from that leg of the visit, but please read on after the images, as I’ve got some other fun details to share.
When we arrived at the water park, Ian showed a little trepidation about actually entering said water. See this image larger.
But when Ian saw Connor and his school pal Cale having such a good time, he had to try! See this image larger.
The only way he’d truly have the courage to try such a feat, would be in the arms of his Ma. And so they slid down, I got about three pictures, and the lifeguard on duty promptly told us that we could not have two people go down a slide as a group. Soooo he didn’t really try again too many times. See this image larger.
But that didn’t stop him from having a blast! There’s a great big structure with water buckets that fill and drop on your head, and spray guns, and kid pressure-controlled mini geysers… See this image larger.
Here’s Ian and Ma on the structure pausing for a brief picture. He looks like he might be happy to me, am I right? I couldn’t get too many pictures because there is such a network of dripping water flying all over the place that it was dangerous to bring a camera into the fray. See this image larger.
Back in the hotel rooms… Don’t forget, I told you Kaylee would get Ian back for the butt-pushing and the open palm face mashing… here she traps him in the stroller arms and takes him for a walk. All in good fun! 🙂 See this image larger.
Our rooms were adjoining, with a door that opened between the two of them. The little ones had such fun running between the rooms, circling around and running back! It was around this time that Kaylee really got Ian back… after being told to hug him, she did so, and then quickly maneuvered Ian into a belly down horsey ride maneuver and smacked him around a little. He deserved it, and it was expertly done! See this image larger.
In a surprising show of generosity, Connor gave part of his train set for Ian to use back at home. (I say surprising, because I think the level of maturity that Connor showed in being so kind is very rare for his age… what a nice cousin!) Ian displayed complete amazement at Connor’s train set and to this day still gets excited if you tell him we’re going home to play with his trains. He even says “Choo-Choo!” or “Toot Toot!” when you mention “train.” See this image larger.
MORE STORIES FROM THE TRIP – A lot of very cool things happened on or around the trip…
• Ian can now say “sssues” (shoes) “ssirt” (shirt) and “socks” and surprised everybody with “dumptruck” out of nowhere. (You can probably guess from the pictures in previous entries around the time he said it!)
• As I mentioned before, he pointed at Ben and said “Ben.” Aside from his classmates and Melissa and myself, Ben was the first person he named correctly without being told just prior.
• The morning we left the hotel, Ian awoke in his zipped-up tent… (You can see the tent in the image above.) I awoke to hear an un-zipping sound and see his little head peep up and look around. Then he stood up like a newly hatched bird, and looked around blankly until he spotted us! It was neat to see him wake up this way, when his typical wake-up involves being stuck in a crib.
• How good of a time did Ian have, part I: After the arduous 5-6 hour journey home, we played for awhile and Ian suddenly started saying “Baak.” I thought perhaps he wanted a bike ride, but I had my suspicions about what he meant. When he followed up the statement by grabbing my hand, dragging me to the garage and saying “caar” as he pointed at Melissa’s Prius, my suspicions were correct. Ian wanted us to go back to Ohio in the car!!! Why specifically? Read on.
• How good of a time did Ian have, part II: I believe that Ian loved seeing his cousins more than he let on during the trip. Not that he was in anyway unhappy during the trip, I just don’t think he expressed his happiness plainly. Here at home we started going through pictures on my computer and he pointed at the screen, unprovoked and said “CONRR!” (Connor) and “KAYEE!!” (Kaylee) whenever a picture had either of the two displayed. This has gone on for about a week, and you can tell he’s looking forward to seeing them again… I’m not saying that to be mushy or like “Mr. Happy Family Blogger!” Ian genuinely wants to spend more time with them, you can hear it in his voice and see it on his face.