Extended Weekend with the Kunzes 2008, Part III

On the 28th we went to the Coshochton County Fair. Aside from Ian’s Ma making a bit of a bad decision in regards to hopping on a spiny ride with Cousin Connor, all went well. No animals were harmed during the course of the County Fair — except those that were, and they had it coming.

I think this is Ian’s first carousel ride. Good times! See this image larger.

Followed closely thereafter by his second carousel ride! This one with real ponies! See this image larger.

Ian pushed Kaylee’s sharing threshold to her limits by being a typical boy and trying to play with every toy in the joint. The two of them squared off a lot more than I had thought they would, based on the extraordinarily cooperative visits in the past. See this image larger.

Here Kaylee enjoys a brief moment of victory, as Connor reads with Aunt Melanie in the background. See this image larger.

Ian tries the ol’ squatter’s rights tactic. See this image larger.

A true power-struggle, it looks to me like animated character Spongebob Squarepants is involved in the fight somehow. See this image larger.

Generally Ian caved whenever Kaylee wanted something for her own. And we thought it would be better if he didn’t give up so easy; but when he started heavily using the phrase “mine” and kind of open-palm “smooshed” Kaylee in the face, we went back to wishing for peaceful hippie Ian. See this image larger.

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