Dialogue and Milestones

Time for our dialogue update. You’ll see this runs the gambit from a bit ago to more recently… I will continue the main timeline from where we left off last entry, as usual.

Here we go!

April 24th, 2011
Nina – “Button.”

April 25th, 2011
Nina – “Blankie!!”

April 26th, 2011
Ian – “See that? There’s bubbles on my hands, and I washed them off!”

May 22nd, 2011
Mommy – “Just tell the bee to go away.”
Ian – “I can’t talk to bees.”

May 22nd, 2011
Ian – “Look what I’ve arrived with, Daddy. (shows me his shoes) … and my lucky water cup. Now I’m going to get my shoes on Dad… k? But. The socks are in my shoes, because. Every day I wear shoes I have socks in my shoes.”

May 23rd, 2011
Ian – “Nina you can play with me but you can’t do anything bad. You gotta do everything good.”
(moments pass.)
ian – “Now you can’t play with me you did something bad. Serious don’t move that. I’m serious!”

June 1st, 2011
Ian – “if we did get these toys without magnets? (shakes his head sadly) Bad idea. Were goin to jail.” (Magnets are the “currency” by which he gets toys these days, don’t forget.)

June 1st, 2011
After a rough day, I met Ian and Melissa at the YMCA so that Ian could go to swim class. When he saw my car pull up, and me hopping out, he squealed “Daddy!” and gave me a much-needed hug like we hadn’t seen each other in a week.

June 6th, 2011
Nina – “Ariel” (Pointing at the Little Mermaid… her real name is Ariel.)

Nina – “Close dah duhr.” (Close the door?)

Nina – “Eye.” (Pointing at my eye.)

Daddy – “Who is that in the mirror?”
Nina – “I duuno hoo eed is.”

Nina – “Here ya go. Righ here.”

Nina – “Welcome!” (After somebody said “Thank you!”)

Nina – “Dissue.” (Pointing at tissue.)

Nina – “Wuhn duhr dree” (I made a habit out of counting out the steps on our staircase as we climbed up or down them while holding Nina… you have to hear the words in context, but she’s saying her version of “one, two, three”.)

June 10th, 2011
(This one is a bit much in the “poop talk” department, read at your own risk.)
Ian – “I didn’t want poop to come out of my belly but it did. That’s a big bad poop. Stick it away from my butt.” (The various ways the word “stick” can be used have caused a little confusion. “Stick that in the oven” explains why he’s using it here.)

June 11th, 2011
At the time we thought our system of gating off the kid’s play area was working perfectly. An ottoman, a gate, and then another ottoman on the other side. This allowed Ian and the cat to get over, but Nina was stuck. But this day, she walked over until she was about two feet from the ottoman, lifted her left leg until just the toes somehow had reached the top of the ottoman, (somewhat like a practicing ballerina) then proceeded to lift her whole body up on top of it.

June 12th, 2011
mommy – “Where’s your water cup?” (Not really expecting an answer.)
Nina – “Ovah deyr.” (She points behind her… sure enough, water cup in that general direction.)

June 12th, 2011
Ian made up his own prayer:
“God, keep me safe day and night day and night day and night. Can you? Can you do that God? Amen.”

June 15th, 2011
From Nina’s daycare sheet:
“Nina had a wonderful day. She really liked coloring with markers. Whenever she was done w/ that color she would hand it to me and I would give her a different color. When she was finished she did the sign for “all done.” When I was changing her diaper I pointed out elmo and she said “Elmo” after I did. I was surprised.”

June 16th, 2011
From Nina’s daycare sheet:
“Nina had a great morning in the young toddler room. She played w/ all sorts of toys. She especially likes our dramatic play. She sure loves to talk. She makes us laugh because when she talks she sometimes has such a serious face. She colored a Father’s Day card for art and got marker on her face. I tried to wash as much as possible.”

June 18th, 2011
Nina grabs coloring book, points through gate at drawer which contains crayons, and does sign language for “please.”

June 23rd, 2011
Nina points at a fish and makes the “Ffffffffffffffffffffffff” sound… as if practicing the f sound.

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