Da’s B-day
Way back on November 2nd, yours truly got a little older, and had a great time doing it. Truly these are the best years of my life, and despite everything that’s wrong out in the world today, my little world within that world would be hard-pressed to be happier.
I got this for my birthday from Melissa, and it is one of the best gifts I’ve ever received… she took an existing children’s book and glued pictures of Ian and I over the drawings, so that it became about my relationship with Ian. I couldn’t even speak when she gave it to me, it was so nice! See this image larger.
Gramma Marcia was kind enough to lend us her skill and scissors for Ian’s first haircut. It was crazy to see how different he looked so quickly! See this image larger.
Well ok, first he just very quickly looked sad, but he got over it pretty fast, and then — Voila! A more handsome and mature looking lad See this image larger.
Eventually this will go in a more prestigious container, but for now there’s the first snip of hair! See this image larger.
Ian did a few cool things over the course of the weekend, as usual, but the one that stopped everybody in their tracks was when we went out to eat (on my birthday) and Ian suddenly said “Mahsha!” in the parking lot, while looking at Marcia. Nice job, kiddo! For that you can have some ice cream!
This is called an animated gif – I took pictures of Ian eating ice cream at dinner, and kind of stitched them together as a sequence, just like making a flip book. This probably looks like it is sped up, but he attacked that sundae with at least this much vigor.
Thank you to Gpa Dave and Gma Marcia for driving out to see us on my birthday… the idea had been to let Melissa and I have a night out alone, but the truth of the matter was it was a great present to spend my birthday dinner with a bigger chunk of my family. I didn’t want to hear about how much fun those three had that night, I wanted to see!