
Some random updates for you:

• Ladies and gentlemen, video footage of Ian dancing!!! Click here to see very short video!

New Feature! On the right in the “sidebar” of the page where you’re reading this, there’s a new section called “Twitter/Live.” It should be somewhat up-to-date with the latest and greatest news if we’re on the road. Believe it or not, I can make an update to that area of the site with my mobile phone! So I just type it in, send away, and (boom) there’s an update! It’s also just easier in general to update via Twitter, so expect to see some tidbits there if you don’t see an entry here.

• Today Ian and I were watching an excellent children’s film called Kiki’s Delivery Service. It is the story of a very friendly witch, who has a cat that she can talk to, and how she comes of age. It’s a very charming movie, on the level of Disney animation. At any rate, we’ve seen this movie about 6 times with Ian at least, but this time in particular Kiki’s cat Gigi was cracking Ian up like crazy. I think it is the first time I’ve seen him really react to what’s on the tube instead of just staring at it blankly.

• It is with a small bit of sadness that I announce the retirement of bathtub duck. Ian has finally just gotten to be too big. Our little baby’s a boy! It happens so fast.

• During today’s Dada/Ian Monday, Ian found an old toy of his under the couch, and played with it a bit. Here’s some pics:

We had a lot of fun, but it was funny to see how large he is compared to this toy. See this image larger.

He used to kind of lay there in it staring up or down… now he can run around the house dragging it in tow. See this image larger.

• One final word, if you weren’t already handed a copy of Ian’s Greatest Hits Vol II & III you should be getting yours in the week(s) to come; production is finalized, covers and inserts printed, done, done, done. (I seem to have an extra “Volume III” disc… I might have just made a back-up, but let me know if yours is missing in the case… either scenario is pretty possible.)

The cover to II&III’s case uses this imagery… You’ll never know that my socks were stuffed into the hat to make it look full… unless I told you. 😉 See this image larger.

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