Complete Thoughts… Kinda?

He’s been steadily heading in this direction, but this morning was another one of those “wake up and he’s learned something new” moments. I know I’ve said before that we’re having conversations with Ian, but now it feels like having conversations with somebody who is reasoning and stringing complete thoughts together. I guess it is like raising any kid? Not sure — he started out trying to understand us, the parts that he understood he turned into language so that we might understand him. And now enough is known that we can have more elaborate conversations. Where he gets messed up is the syntax, and he replaces the words that change in a given sentence into mumbling, so that it comes out more or less correct to our ears.

This morning:
“Ahm poopy anga potty.”
Melissa – “You want to go on the potty?”
Melissa – “Would you like a fresh diaper?”
Melissa – “Did you sleep well last night?”
Melissa – “Do you want to say good morning to Daddy?”
“G’morning Daddy!”

Somebody showed me this picture on Facebook, and I wanted to share it because I love it! See this image larger.

I spend a whole lot of time photographing the front of Ian’s head, so here’s a quick documentation of the back. All of these shots were taken on March 2nd. See this image larger.

“Ruh? Did you just take a picture of the back of my head?” See this image larger.

“ATTACK!!!” Actually I suppose this is as good a place as any to mention that Ian has begun to hit… and he’s also been spending some time on the naughty step. See this image larger.

Good book? Bad book? I can’t even tell. See this image larger.

I like this shot because it looks like he’s trying to decide something. And that’s precisely what he’s doing, putting stickers on his mini-toy boxes. See this image larger.

Hmmm, another tough decision. See this image larger.

Well, tomorrow I watch Ian all day, (on a tuesday for a change, I know, crazy… Melissa and I switched days for this week only!) hopefully we’ll grab some additional shots, soundbytes, or movies…

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