Christmas South, Part VI, Geocaching

Just what is geocaching, anyway? Well, imagine somebody hid cool clues all over your neighborhood and you had a magical way to find them. What you’re picturing is geocaching. Only take the “magical” part out and replace it with a GPS and a set of online instructions.

It was the 27th of December, and Melissa and I left Ian and Nina in capable hands while we went off on a geocaching adventure! A golf cart is not required hardware for geocaching, but it helps in the Villages. See this image larger.

At first it was strange being able to hear each other without having to shout over screaming baby or babbling boy, but we figured it out pretty quick. See this image larger.

This was our first find. Only it had two parts, one involving a padlock combination. Ben found the first number, Melissa found the second, and I realized that if we had the first two numbers it wouldn’t be hard to keep trying the lock until it opened. That worked. See this image larger.

Connor and Aunt Mel found this one under a shed! See this image larger.

Alternate shot of above… See this image larger.

The view from the shed was pretty spectacular… See this image larger.

This cache involved a hidden container that had fake poop glued to the top. Connor and I got that one! See this image larger.

Nina gets a lift from hanging out with Connor! See this image larger.

Ian flies his space shuttle around the house… in my heart of hearts I’d love for him to be an astronaut, or do something space related; it is too bad the most likely of those scenarios involves special effects thanks to the direction NASA is heading in. See this image larger.

Awww! See this image larger.

C-Dawg pile! See this image larger.

They actually behave very nicely together as a group… See this image larger.

Group pic! See this image larger.

*Hi, I’m Ian. Have you met my sister, cousins and Grampa Ray and Grandma Barb?* See this image larger.

Proud grandparents! See this image larger.

Ian giggles! We sure had fun, thank you Kunzes and Johnsons! See this image larger.

That marked the end of our time at Grampa Ray and Grandma Barb’s… after that we went to Grandma Sue’s, that night. I’ll start next entry off with that. Thanks again for your hospitality!

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