Christmas South, Part I
And so we begin our journey south. Airline tickets were a joke this year, and frankly we just wanted to try driving to see how it would be. It turned out not to be too bad at all. The first thing we did was drive over to Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia’s. They let us stay the night (21st) there before continuing on our journey, which worked great. We were able to hop right onto 75 and cruise on down to Ohio.
First stop on the 22nd, Arby’s in Man-o-War, Kentucky. Ian got a cool glider. See this image larger.
Hi Arby’s. See this image larger.
We hit a pretty nasty traffic jam just as we crossed the Tennessee border, stopped for like an hour and a half hardly moving at all. Ian had to go potty too eventually, but we were so far up in the mountains we couldn’t stop until after the traffic jam. He held out nicely. We drove to just south of Atlanta’s airport and stopped at a great hotel. See this image larger.
I’ve never seen Ian happier to find a bed than that night. See this image larger.
The morning of the 23rd we headed further south, and the journey got worse. Cars used the left lane for normal traffic and people that had someplace to go had to move into the far right entrance/exit ramp in order to pass. The road was very straight and very boring as we crossed into Florida. Finally, we got to the Villages in the late afternoon.
Connor enjoyed an ice cream. See this image larger.
Nina says hello to Grampa. See this image larger.
*I smite you, Wise-person!!! PEW PEW!!!* (It took a little while for Nina to realize that the Nativity set was not made up of action figures.) See this image larger.
Nina beats Grandma Barb in the crawling section of the tri-atholon. See this image larger.
Kaylee dances around, care-free and happy… Christmas is coming! More soon! See this image larger.