Chapman Nomads on the Move Part 2

The weekend before last was our trip to go meet Kaylee! The three of us made it down to Ohio in about 6.5 hours with almost no fidgeting at all! The only crying happened when we stopped to eat, and it was very much within reason. On the way back Ian did quite well, only getting upset in the last hour of the trip. Think about it… that’s 13 hours in 1 weekend… for a 7 week old, that’s pretty good.
There were a few awesome photo opportunities — some of which may look a bit alike, but I couldn’t help myself!

Ian – “Alright, I’m ready, let’s DO this!” (print version)

Ian – “Pfft, dad’s gotta pack the car still?” (print version)

Ian – “Women.” (print version)

The three “little” ones together! (print version)

Grandpa Ray and Grandma Barb with the entire grandkid collection. (print version)

Ian – “Over there?” (print version)

Ian – “Over here?” (print version)

Ian – “OOOH over there!” (print version)

Sorry about being a bit behind… I’ve already got St Patrick’s Day pics all lined up… See you in a couple days!

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