
Alright, so this is truly only for those of you whom are very brave. To watch the video (linked below) you should probably have the following:

1. A high speed connection.

2. Patience after the download for the video to fully load. It’ll take a solid couple of minutes.

3. Patience for about 7 minutes of me saying the same word over and over.

I tried saying one simple word repeatedly, with varied pitch, and in various speeds. The word I chose was “hello.” If I sound kind of British, it is because I’m imitating a kid’s show that is made in the UK. What you don’t hear is the number of times I repeated this to him syllable by syllable the previous night. Do you think I get Ian to say the magic word at just 8 weeks old? Click here to find out!


Here’s the first decent image of Ian smiling, although this is one of those artificial smiles that comes from gas. This is a still shot taken from a video that shows him hiccuping and making bizarro hand gestures, which will go up later today.

To me it looks like he’s saying “Yace, yace, I CALL you. Don’tju go changin’, kapiche? I call you, buh bye.”

EDIT -> Ok, so here’s the link to the video… please keep in mind that this is probably not for people with slow bandwidth. Even those with broadband need to be prepared to wait about 2 minutes after clicking this link before seeing the controls to start the video. Sorry! Simply click on the word “hiccup” below to start loadin’.


Got Mbps?

This video is probably a bit large for your average connection. It shows Ian making asome strange faces and looking around. Dial-up beware!!!


full link: https://www.outoftheirminds.com/media/2007/faces1.htm

He’s Home!

Grandpa Ray and Grandma Barb showed up the evening of the 22nd, and were happy to meet the little one. No pics of that point, but here are a few we took when Ian made it home. (For that story read on!)

On the 23rd, Melissa’s birthday, Dr. Bultje gave Ian the thumb’s up to go home.


“Clean bill of health Mom, high five. Yo. Yo over here. Hi five, mom. Up top.”


“Hey Ian, what do you think about leaving the hospital?”


A nice “welcome” for Ian came in the form of the stork sign Grandma Sue had waiting!


One small step for Melissa, one smooth-gliding ride for Ian.


We figured these two, upon meeting, would immediately ate each other. Turns out the four of us would share our king size bed peacefully that night, eventually. So hopefully this works out fine.

A short, poorly edited film, for your amusement –
[kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.outoftheirminds.com/media/2007/kungFu.swf” height=”400″ width=”500″ /]

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