Twinkle, Twinkle

Just tonight we received notice that on July 6th our (more…)

Playworld, Part II

Here is the second part of the trip to Playworld, (more…)

Playworld, Part I

Well, here we go again, I’ve got a lot of (more…)

Best of Easter Video

Ok so this is a HUGE video… it weighs in (more…)

Granny Sue Easter ’09 Epilogue

I forgot to mention that Ian is truly a fan (more…)

Goodnight Kisses

News: He’s crazily independent already, insisting on walking through the (more…)

ABC’s… Kinda

News: Ian is 35 inches tall… that’s almost 3 feet. (more…)

At Play

Let’s talk about toys! Grampa Dave hand-cut a few shapes (more…)

Tickle Tickle

On Monday, February 23rd, as the day progressed, Ian and (more…)

To The Rescue!!!

While Saturday was the kind of day that made me (more…)