Twinkle, Twinkle

Just tonight we received notice that on July 6th our little baby boy will be upgraded to the “Early Preschool” room at daycare. I’ve never felt so old and proud at the same time!

On Friday, April 24th 2009, Ian stepped outside into warm spring air for some much needed dirt time. Here you’ll see me casually ask Ian to sing us Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and he launches into it.

I find that I pretty much have to do what I just said in order to get such behavior recorded… I have to act like something that I find very miraculous is status quo…

Click here to see the video, weighing in at a very slim 1.5 MB…
However if you’re feeling like it, I’ve also provided just the audio. Click here to listen to a teeny tiny 636 KB audio clip of the same thing.

Playworld, Part II

Here is the second part of the trip to Playworld, this one’s really great if you want to see what happens when Ian combines his understanding of the fun of jumping around with the dexterity to bounce.

Click here to watch the video, it weighs in at 7.3MB, which is huge, I know… but I think the bits that are in there are worth keeping in there.

I’m really quickly going to catch up on some stories, below, but don’t worry there’s plenty of pictures and other things to tell you from the last few weeks, I just want to tell the sort of “odds and ends” stuff.

I put a coat on him, and I SWEAR he said “Not a baby.” And did his best to put the coat on himself.

Many injuries – He got a full blow hockey-style check to the mouth from a boy that thought Ian was getting a little too close. It was one of those misunderstanding situations… they actually checked the video to review the details. Sounded like mostly an accident. A bite mark, some skinned elbows. A couple bug-bites recently.

Ian has sat a few times in an adult chair for dinner or lunch. This was generally out of necessity, we’re not asking him to give up booster seats yet.

He’s become a MUCH fussier eater. (NOTE: on the expansion of the technique I told you about earlier, just tried this a few nights ago, on roughly May 8th… better than saying how “happy Daddy is now that Daddy tried this!” Now I just name family members at the appropriate time: “Oh, mashed potatoes? Aren’t those Connor’s favorite?” or “Grampa Dave loves a good pork chop, I hear.”)

We had a bit of a zooey/pacifier conundrum a few weeks back, but some quick research fixed everything. I was proud of myself for being able to resolve the situation in a day — turns out his old pacifiers had that BPA chemical in them on the “shield” part that doesn’t go in his mouth. Still it was enough of a concern for Gerber to discontinue the product. Because they’re a specific shape we bought the exact same kind with shields that did not have BPA.

Here’s a fun fact that is only sorta related to Ian… did you know unemployment in Michigan is the highest in the country? Not cool.

Conversation between Ian and I somewhere around April 26th:
“Do you like taking naps?”
“Uh huh.”
“I like nn um my zooey.”

“Connor’s shoes. I like Connor’s shoes.” (He said, while looking at his hand-me-down sneakers.)

Playworld, Part I

Well, here we go again, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do…

First, this breaking news:
On Tuesday, Cinqo de Mayo, Ian successfully sang the alphabet from start to finish, soup to nuts, A to Z… every single letter identifiable as the real deal. We’re so proud!

I’m going to try to do an entry a night for awhile here until we’re caught up, so please check back often!

The day after Easter was Monday, of course… but as my great friend Brandon used to call it with his boy Max… MANday. We decided to go hang out with the Grand Rapids Dad club that we joined and had an absolute blast. This was our second trip with the group, but my first time filming it… The club meets at the best places in Grand Rapids to take your kids, and is made up almost entirely of stay-at-home dads. They meet a couple times a week and one of them happens to be Monday. We went to Playworld, a place I would love to go back to soon. I took some video, but again, they’re fairly substantial — low bandwidth beware!

Here’s the first part and I’ll give you the second bit tomorrow night, I hope… This is going to be about 5.2 MB
Click here to see Ian at Playworld!

Commentary – Just want to say that when I look at this video, it was only a few weeks ago, and yet he looks so much older now, to me.

Best of Easter Video

Ok so this is a HUGE video… it weighs in at 11 MB… so if you have a slow connection you’re going to want to avoid this. This is the best parts of the Easter video that was shot over our Easter visits. The good news about the size is that I made a very sloppy DVD of ALL the Easter footage and will be sending it out to all the grandparents and Great Grandma Betty, very soon.

EDIT – I took down this video until I can split it in half. I’ll put it back up tonight.

EDIT – OK I put the movie back up in two parts…
Click here to see part 1, which still weighs in at a fairly heavy 5.2 MB
Click here to see part 2, which is around 5.8 MB

Some quick commentary to read perhaps after you’ve seen the videos – Love the dunking “in” and dunking “out” noises. Ok, I feel blessed with Ian all the time, but seriously, WHAT TWO YEAR OLD that you’ve EVER met would open up a plastic egg with two suckers (candy) and HAND THEM OUT TO HIS GRANDPARENTS? He does us proud so often. I can’t help but call him Sweet Pea from time to time. And then on top of that, the very first egg he finds on his second hunt… and watch that hesitation… it ALMOST goes in the bucket; but no, Grampa Dave is standing over there without an egg! (stomp stomp) Yes that golfball hits him in the head. At the very end of the last video, he says “I eat it!”

Granny Sue Easter ’09 Epilogue

I forgot to mention that Ian is truly a fan of eggs since the day o’ coloring.

Here’s a quick entry that shows a video taken by Grandma Sue while she was in town… I thought it was cute, and thank her for filming it with he camera. Click here to see the video, it weighs in at just over a MB, so shouldn’t be too bad.

I’m going to try to play catch-up again this week, so this is a good week to visit the site — I should have an update nearly every day.

Goodnight Kisses

News: He’s crazily independent already, insisting on walking through the garage on his own… and doing things like walking up the stairs and counting them as he walks; because he simply wants to. In the car last night he began naming off animals and the sounds they make. Let me stress the difference: Nobody was asking him what an animal’s name was, or what sound they typically make. He just started ticking them off in his head, and putting the list to words. “Mooo. Cow. Horsey. Neighghghgh.” (He does a great neigh… there’s a little whinny in it.) This morning we tried to feed him a banana and he wouldn’t eat it unless he fed it to himself. We literally have to stick the portion of the banana that was given to him back on the fruit that is still in the peel. (I admit it is also incredibly hard to distinguish between “I’m don’t want what you’re offering me” and “I will only take what you’re offering me if I can feed it to myself.” A few times he’s said “I help.” which is his way of saying “I can do this myself.”) He also takes initiative to do things like clean up, now. He saw I left a game controller out last night so today said “Game.” “I back.” And put it “back” where it belongs, in a container under the couch.

Alright so now let’s go back in time again… This is at Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia’s on February 14th, the promised “goodnight kisses” video. You may recall I mentioned this back when I showed a photo that Grampa Dave takes during this video clip. At long last, here it is!

Click here to see the video, it is 1.4 MB in size.

ABC’s… Kinda

News: Ian is 35 inches tall… that’s almost 3 feet. Which is nuts. When did that happen?

Still catching up: Alright so if you haven’t seen this yet, you probably read about it a few entries ago. This is a very large video, weighing in at 4.7 MB, so it is pretty big, but prepare to hear Ian trying his best to sing the alphabet! For the record, this video was shot on February 5th, 2009.

Listen carefully for the wxyz… you’ll see his tongue hit his upper teeth when he hits “x” and on the first go around you can tell when he hits the “now I know my ABCs” bit. It is so awesome to see him learning. As of the morning of the 22nd, he’s got a-b-c-d-e and w-x-y-z down pat, and clear as a bell.

Click here to watch Ian singing the ABC’s!!! Kinda.

At Play

Let’s talk about toys!

Grampa Dave hand-cut a few shapes for Ian to play with, a three-dimensional square (not quite a cube) and an extruded circle, during our visit on February 14th. On Monday of this week Ian was delighted to get a package containing the third shape, a triangle. Needless to say we’ve heard the word “triangle” a lot this last week! Thanks Grampa Dave! See this image larger.

Here’s some toy videos you might also enjoy! The first is from January 19th… Ian plays a game called “WiiMusic.” All you have to do is wiggle the controllers up and down in the air, and through the magic of three dimensional positioning… you’re playing a marimba.

Click here to see Ian come up with his own way to play… this video is 1.4 MB in length.

The next video shows a car and track set that Ian got from Santa while at Grandma Barb and Grampa Ray’s… Ian likes the car to go through tunnels, so we came up with a way to have it go under furniture, first… and then came up with a way to just watch! (Note: Since this was filmed (on February 2nd) we’ve found these cars under the couch, completely drained of battery power about 3 times!!!)

Click here to see not very much Ian, but a lot of ingenuity!
This video is 1.4 MB in length.

Tickle Tickle

On Monday, February 23rd, as the day progressed, Ian and I discovered something that could make a 2 year old boy and a 38 year old man giggle with glee. Have you ever blown bubbles over a floor mounted heater vent? It was nothing short of the Fourth of July!

Speaking of giggles, here’s today’s flashback video… the date is January 18th of this year, and Melissa treats Ian to a quick round of tickling. It is interesting to note that I did show this video to Ian today, and he immediately wanted Mommy to come home and tickle him. When she got here, he actually laid on the floor and pulled his shirt up in anticipation.

Click here to see the video, it is 3.14 MB in size.

To The Rescue!!!

While Saturday was the kind of day that made me want another child, full of beautiful moments to sigh over happily, Sunday was a lot more rough. He’s definitely at the age now where everything needs to be challenged… It is funny everybody tells you “just wait for the terrible twos” but nobody bothers to tell you what to do about it, or perhaps more importantly that once you figure out the purpose of this behavior that it at least makes sense. What i mean by that is simply – if he didn’t challenge us right now, every step of the way, he wouldn’t challenge anything or anybody. Who wants to raise somebody like that?

Anyway, so Sunday one of his antics was that he cleverly disguised the removal of a crayon from the drawing-safe area as a typical pre-diaper escape… For whatever reason he tries to avoid getting his diaper changed sometimes. I laughed and watched him run around a corner and slowly got up to grab him… then heard the unmistakable sound of crayon-on-wall. I couldn’t believe it… “But there’s still eight crayons on the mat… oh SNAP… SEVEN.”

I advise everybody to use ceramic flat paint, it cleaned up without so much as a single line or buff mark with just a wet paper towel. Perfect! (EDIT – Ohhh. “Washable” crayons! nice!)

This morning (Monday the 23rd) Ian reached a sort of milestone I didn’t expect. In the past he’s just set his zooey (pacifier) on the floor, or kitchen table when he’s had enough. And this is always a heartening spectacle to watch, as it really does mean he’s maturing before our eyes. So today was different because Ian took the zooey out, said “no zooey” and clambered up the stairs to his room, tipping it up onto his dresser, which is where they are typically stored.

Alright so now that we’ve caught up on some stuff, let’s go back in time a little bit and catch up on the other bits.

We’re going to start back on January 13th with this 2.8 MB video. It requires some explanation.

In the TV show that we’re watching, a group of kids form a sort of super-hero club to save the day, and they do this EVERY episode. They invite the watcher to join the group, asking you to say your name, put your hand in, as they all do, and then they raise their hands in the air saying “to the rescue!” They then introduce themselves one by one naming their powers… The viewer’s power is the power to “help.”

Click here to watch the video…

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