“Pee” is for “Potty”

Hi again, sorry about the delays. I’ve got some stuff kind of lined up to last us a bit. Hopefully we’ll get additional pictures and stuff eventually. I’ve got a whole disc from Christmas in Florida that contains some bonus pictures I’d like to get up here as well. Things are just really busy at the moment.

Ok we’re going to hop all over the place chronologically, but I want to start off by saying that tonight was the first night that the little plastic potty was christened. I’ll go on to say that there was some holding of Ian’s shoulders to keep him somewhat in the right spot, he is by no means potty-trained. But I thought you should know, regardless, that some measurable progress was made. And by measurable I mean about 5 fluid ounces.

So that was the latest news, let’s catch up a little before we talk about our visit to Gramma Marcia and Grampa Dave’s, which we’ll get to next entry.

Remember I mentioned the recliner that immediately came in handy? Here it is… he wouldn’t let me sit with him. I think I use that chair the least in the family, but I’m the one who insisted on getting it. See this image larger.

I’ll tell you more about this picture in a few entries, when I explain the “to the rescue!” video. For now, suffice to say this is Ian and I sharing a hilarious TV moment where he’s asked to cheer, and he did. This is February 9th. See this image larger.

In honor of Ian’s recent birthday, our wall-cat (you know the one on top of our half-wall?) was wearing Ian’s “prince” crown from his first birthday… Ian decided he had to wear it. And why not? It’s pointy… See this image larger.

And springy… See this image larger.

I think I’ll have another entry lined up for tomorrow night, so tune in again please!

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