Stories To Share

Wow did we get some great photos tonight! The banner above gives you an idea of what you’ll see!) I’ll be sharing those (and some taken earlier) over the next few days. But first, here are some new stories to tell…

• At a recent trip to a restaurant (Panera) Ian had somewhere between 6-8 people charmed at any one time. He was literally taking turns glancing around and giving big smiles to people. We sat there kind of blushing and could hear the young girlfriend giving her boyfriend a little ribbing “He LIKES you!” and the two girls behind him politely turning down an offered “puff,” and see the little blond girl and her mother craning their necks from behind their booth to get a look. He’s just such a good kid. After a whole lot of pride, my next feeling was “Better teach the kid not to accept candy from strangers. Quick.”

• If I didn’t get this one on tape, I’m not sure I would even believe me. Before I hit the record button he had pulled both of his shoes out of a cubby hole on Monday, where they belong, and tried to put them on his feet by more or less pressing his foot against them. What to do when that doesn’t work? Throw them over the gate where Dada is standing. About the time I started recording, I threw the shoes back on his side of the gate, onto the floor… and was shocked to see him pick them up and put them back in the cubby hole.

• He sometimes says “arfarfarf” back at me when I make the dog noise now.

• One of my favorite moments so far, when we went to our local super store the same night as the above Panera story (believe that was also Tuesday the 17th) I decided Ian needed one new toy ball. He has a cool sponge one, and a very fun O-ball, he has a little stuffed soccer ball… but he didn’t have the kind they had at daycare, which is this lightweight, very smooth and tight plastic that has a lot of bounce to it. If you don’t know the kind I’m talking about they’re usually in a cage that towers above the other toys in their area of a given store. Such is the case in our store… in fact, it has two towers of balls, that bridge near the top to form an arch. Wheeling Ian in a shopping cart over to that area and watching his face light up, his mouth drop open as his neck craned up to see the arch above him, and his hands start pointing frantically as he repeatedly said with glee “BALL BALL BALL!” pretty much dropped my blood pressure for the year. He was just so happy to see this display and that I let him hold any of the various options that he pointed to until he was satisfied with a winner, that kept him smiling all the way home. This was one moment that I was sad I didn’t get any video tape of and yet I think I might have missed some of that experience from behind a camera eyepiece, so perhaps for the better.

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