BREAKING NEWS: Tinkle Tinkle Piddle Star

ROCKFORD, Michigan (Rockford Inquirer) – At approximately 11:00am on Sunday, May 31st, 2009, according to eye witness accounts, Ian Daran Chapman peed in his potty. His mother and father issued a statement to the press this morning —

“We had some close calls here and there but this is his first ‘sit down because I’ve got to go pee, and then actually pee’ scenarios. We praised him and put a sticker on his special potty training chart.”

When confronted directly about the piddle, the small boy confessed “I DEED IT.”

The Chapman Blog will continue investigating this story, and provide more details as they become available.

Alleged scene of the event, as captured by amateur photographer, Daran Chapman. Witnesses claim the potty had at least one-half cup of toddler piddle in it, some say as much as one cup.

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