
Melissa and I talked about it, and decided it would be ok to buy Ian his first bicycle. (The purchase, assembly and first ride all took place on April 24th.) To me this is one of my greatest treats – an honor I’m very happy to have been given. I’ve got the whole story on video at this link:

Click here to watch the video. It is about 10 MB, so fairly substantial, sorry. Turn your volume up, he’s pretty quiet at the beginning.

Looking forward to his first ride on this thing! (Although I guess I missed out on his first true experience, he rode Kaylee’s bike in Ohio over Easter while I stayed home and worked.) See this image larger.

Alright alright, we’ll go out, hang on, let me get my cameras. See this image larger.

Seems to get this part pretty well… looks like it is maybe a hair too big for him, but he’ll grow into it shortly. See this image larger.

Give us some indication if you’re enjoying this, kiddo. 😉 See this image larger.

Later in the week I took him up to the top of the hill where all home development has stopped, and smooth empty streets are only traversed by bikes and walkers. He had fun and actually got away from me a few times — we learned to brake that day, but not before he went into the grass a couple times. See this image larger.

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