Beautiful Day, Part I

We’d like to start by thanking everybody regarding Ian’s Baptism. Let me say we had a whole lot of miracle workers that day. We had people who flew and drove across the country, some acted as photographers, and others as caterers; all braved Michigan summer construction and a million other headaches! Everybody was extremely generous and we thank you for your gifts and being here for the awesome day!

Thanks to the number of photographers we had on hand, we have so many very great pics to share that I’m going to try to tell the story through said images and captions… also we have enough that I think it makes sense to leave these up for a day or two, and then follow up with some that were a little more spontaneous. Watch for another blog entry shortly with a lot more pics!

The star of the show arrives, but shies from cameras initially. See this image larger.

He handled this like a champ. Even when the Pastor’s wet hand touched Ian’s head, he was quiet and calm. Perhaps he was worried that the organ was going to play. See this image larger.

Afterwards, Ian and Mama chill out with Aunt Melanie, and cool cousins Connor and Kaylee! See this image larger.

Wondering about the attire? Ian’s Christening gown has been in the Chapman side of the family for four generations, all pictured here! Great Grandma Betty pointed out to us that meeting Ian was well worth the trip! See this image larger.

Uncle Chris and Grandma Sue and I share a happy smile. You’ll note that Ian is pointing at the one of many cameras we should be smiling at. See this image larger.

Grandpa Dave and Grandma Marcia are pleased as punch with the little guy. See this image larger.

Finally tuckered out after one too many photo ops? Nah, this is right after we came back from the church… but believe me he was tired by the end of the day. See this image larger.

A message that sums up the day very well. Thanks again to all of you. See this image larger.

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