Bathtub Toys without the Bath
News: Today, March first, Ian was in misbehave mode. He was mostly looking to cause a mess and chaos. He keeps saying things that I don’t expect. I keep thinking “where’d he pick that up?” Chances are most of it is from us or daycare, of course. As a parent I feel blown away by what he’s saying when I’m talking down to him, trying to keep it as his level and he one-ups me… makes me realize I don’t quite know where he is level-wise.
Catching up: Those of you ever wishing you could just hear Ian doing crazy stuff as a sort of ambient background soundtrack will be happy with this soundclip. It’s about 6 minutes long, and might take awhile to download — it is mostly babble. It has moments of quiet, and moments of extreme noise, (including ian simply screaming at the top of his lungs, at about 5 minutes 30 seconds… you’ve been warned) so if you think your speakers aren’t up to the task, you should be careful.
We’re actually in the bathroom, sitting on the linoleum floor, playing with his bath toys. I don’t know how we ended up there, but there you go. Recorded on February 16th.
Things to listen for: “daddy sit. Please… NOW…. sit. Please.” “A Star! Star? Star!” “Boom! Boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-apple-boom.” “Open. Close.” “I clean.” “Hammer” “Whartheygo?”
Here’s the link to the audio clip, it is 5.5 MB in size.