Entries by vrbfw

Ian Daran Chapman

On January 21st 2007 at 2:45am, our son was born. Most of you probably got the email, so I’ll save my keystrokes here for a few quick stories and then some photos! Turn the way back machine to January 19th, the first unofficial induction took place. (rumor has it amongst our group of local pals […]

The Calm Before the Storm?

For Melissa, this is anything but the calm before the storm. She’s had a great pregnancy so far by most stretches of the imagination, but at the moment you can almost count toes on the feet that stretch the skin of her belly from the inside. I can’t imagine that’s comfortable. For me, I admit, […]

The Most Updateful Time of the Year

It has been a long time since we updated this blog, and there’s so much to talk about! We apologize to those of you whom have visited regularly only to be disappointed by seeing the same ol’ stuff. We’ll do our best to stay on top of this, but real life is attacking in ever-increasin […]

Welcome family!

Finally I linked everybody, I think! Welcome all! Please feel free to add a comment below any entry by clicking the orange “Comments” link. You don’t have to put in much of the information that it asks for, just type in a name and message! Thanks everybody! -Daran

Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fightin’

Since out last blog post, Melissa has been treated to a great deal of kicking. I’m pretty sure this is because Tai-Chi is hereditary. We still haven’t quite figured out why the baby was so active during the ultrasound. -Daran

Boys Will Be Boys

Today we were treated to quite a show by our little one-to-be… He gave us a thumbs up (see picture above,) yawned, hiccuped, jiggled all over the place and showed us how he can kick Melissa’s bladder like Mike Tyson beating the crap out of a punching bag. As if this behavior wasn’t enough to […]

150 BPM

Click “play” below (and turn up your speakers, wise-guy) to hear the heartbeat! So far so good! NOTE: If you’re in IE on a PC you might need to click the button below twice. Thanks, Microsoft! [kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.outoftheirminds.com/media/2006/heartbeat.swf” height=”100″ width=”500″ /] [kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.outoftheirminds.com/media/2006/heartbeat.swf” height=”100″ width=”500″ /]


Here’s a little progress report for all y’all. Everything’s looking good so far!

Thumbs of Steel

We had my sister-in-law (Melissa’s sister) Melanie and our nephew Connor over for a few days last week, and we all had a blast. We went all over town together and got to see many of Grand Rapids’ greatest sites… but imagine my surprise (and pride!) when my nephew figured out how to play a […]

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