Entries by vrbfw

Still Somehow Holding Off Fall

September 8th, our little barefoot peanut exploring around the sandbox… See this image larger. … and squishing her toes in the sand! See this image larger. What a happy face! I can’t kiss those little cheeks enough! See this image larger. September 9th, Mommy enjoys the tire swing with the little ones. See this image […]

Grasping the Last Bits of Summer

I was always sure to get at least one update per month on the blog, even if a very late one… but I finally let an entire calendar month go by without an update, January of 2013. Disappointing, but understandable; I’ve never had less time. Excuse me while I get back into the swing of […]

Ian’s First Day of Kindergarten

Before I get into the subject behind the title, I want to take this opportunity to point out that while at the cottage, Nina threw away her last zooey/pacifier. Thus, the Chapman household is zooey-free as of September 3rd. Extremely proud of my little girl, you’re brave and awesome! Another important note – While up […]

September Begins and the Cottage

We jumped at another chance to go to the cottage this year, given that the previous visit had had an understandably somber tone. Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia were not around for one of the days when we arrived at the cottage on September 1st. It was interesting because I don’t think I’ve ever tried […]

August Dialogue and Milestones

Dialogue, August 2nd Nina, after peeing in the potty: “You proud of me?” Dialogue, August 2nd I have no idea what happened here. Ian: “Where are we going?” Nina, I think…: “The monkey house?” Ian: “The monkey dentist!” Dialogue, August 2nd Nina, pretty much explaining all of existence: “It’s complicated, because it’s a problem, and […]

August Video

Video, August 9th This is a long video of each of the kids reading a book called “What’s Up, Duck?” Both kids pretty much relying on memorization from the pictures, and maybe a bit of sounding out the words on Ian’s part. To see this video, click here. Video, August 18th The kids sometimes like […]

Ian’s Last Day at Daycare

August 30th, Nina stops washing her toy dishes, sensing a blog entry primarily about Ian! *Will have to remember to do something adorable tomorrow so I can get some pics in!* See this image larger. August 31st Nina sleeping like an angel in her crib! See this image larger. Look at how sweet! See this […]

Ian Kindergarten Orientation!

A quick word about Valley View. By the time you read this, Ian has already been at kindergarten for weeks. He’s a big boy. We’ve gone over talking with strangers, we’ve gone over trying to be careful. He has a teacher or playground staff watching out for him. For these reasons I have stopped trying […]

Oops, August 12th, and More!

My pictures got out of order. August 12th Ian went to a friend’s birthday party. This was a friend named Jacob from daycare; the last birthday party with a daycare classmate! This is actually the same day as the pictures I took of Ian with his Mars Rover legos. Here’s Daddy with his favorite son […]

Other Images from August 13th

Chris’s memorial had many moments. I admit my camera didn’t take too many, and I apologize for that. My shutter finger just wasn’t working so well that day. Suffice to say, a whole lot of people put time into getting there and making it happen. Grandma Marcia managed the whole thing and had it perfectly […]

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