Entries by vrbfw

Names and Faces

Ian is able to correctly identify the following classmates from his younger toddler class. (That’s his old class… some of these kids have moved up with him, some have not.) Miley – (“Miyey” and/or a perfect “Mylee”) Jacob – (“Cub”) Gage – (perfectly – “Gayg”) He’s taken to just calling Melissa “Ma!” and I’m “Da!” […]

From Signs to Sentences

It is crazy watching Ian learn — I think he’s focusing a little less on motor skills (which he has in droves already) and is turning his attention toward communication. Hat, cat, bike, back, book, ball, clock, cat, duck, kitty, door, up, please, cheese, dirt, mama, dada, eyes, socks, (more like “zocks”) nose… I know […]

Dresser Drop-Off

Gpa Dave re-finished a dresser/chest that he had when he was a kid… it was also something I grew up with on the weekends at the cottage. He dropped it off on the 10th of September. We also decided to surprise Ian by having both of us pick him up instead of just me. I […]

Technical Difficulties

I’m in the process of updating the software that Ian’s blog runs on. It’ll probably look like this mess for awhile, until I have time to figure out what went wrong. UPDATE – The majority of the issue was with the Twitter/LIVE section of the site that I had pretty much decided to stop using […]

Fall Colors

As Fall 2008 begins to take its toll on our weather, Mama warms Ian up with some brightly colored layers. See this image larger. Of course all the extra clothing, and colder temperatures slowed Ian down a lot… See this image larger. …oh wait. No they didn’t. See this image larger.

Never Enough Peek-a-Boo

September 7th, Ian plays peek-a-boo and/or is caught admiring our new deck. See this image larger. This one gets cuter the longer you look at it. If you don’t see why, look in the lower right hand corner to see who Ian’s looking for… See this image larger. Not even the chill wind of a […]

Florida Hot, Grandma Barb and Grampa Ray Visit, Part II

Part I is below… and now the story continues! September 1 and Melissa has put the whole family to work… here Ian can be seen helping Mama by transporting dirt in his clothes. See this image larger. If this were a JK Rowling book, we’d call this maneuver The Two-Man Tummy Tickle Tumbler! See this […]

Florida Hot, Grandma Barb and Grampa Ray Visit, Part I

Grandpa Ray and Grandma Barb visited us on labor day weekend and we had a great time… they brought the Florida heat up with them, and we made the best of it in many ways… here’s some pics to help tell the story! On August 30th, out for a walk with Mama and Gma Barb, […]

Many Moons Ago

Three weeks have already gone by since Gma Barb and Gpa Ray came up to Michigan to visit the little man! I can’t believe how busy we’ve been! I’ll get to the visit next entry, but I’d like to go in chronological order, like usual. So let’s start with these pics, that happened just before […]


Alright I’ve got a big ol’ entry I need to make shortly for Ray and Barb’s visit 1.5 weeks ago, I just need to process the images… but the story below must be told, before I forget. In the last few days, once on Melissa and I’s anniversary, and earlier today on the 9th, Ian […]

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