Attack of the Cousins! (Part V)
And finally… On Sunday we took some goofy pictures and marched down to the park! Thank you to Aunt Melanie and the little ones for making the long trek up from Ohio; we had a blast!
This is about as still as you could get Ian; everybody else behaved themselves just fine. He’s a blur in most of the other shots I tried to take in this setting. See this image larger.
Ian – “You have a lot of teeth, cuz. And how do you hold still like that?” See this image larger.
Near the park entrance, cousin Kaylee and Aunt Melanie pause for a brief photo op, before returning to slides and swings. See this image larger.
Ever try to swing with a kid on your lap and take a picture at the same time? Well, that’s what we have here, I figure I did alright. 😉 See this image larger.
Hard to believe he can climb right up a slide at his age, right? Yet his younger cousin taught him how to do it!!! See this image larger.
And then back down again! Weee! See this image larger.