At Play

Let’s talk about toys!

Grampa Dave hand-cut a few shapes for Ian to play with, a three-dimensional square (not quite a cube) and an extruded circle, during our visit on February 14th. On Monday of this week Ian was delighted to get a package containing the third shape, a triangle. Needless to say we’ve heard the word “triangle” a lot this last week! Thanks Grampa Dave! See this image larger.

Here’s some toy videos you might also enjoy! The first is from January 19th… Ian plays a game called “WiiMusic.” All you have to do is wiggle the controllers up and down in the air, and through the magic of three dimensional positioning… you’re playing a marimba.

Click here to see Ian come up with his own way to play… this video is 1.4 MB in length.

The next video shows a car and track set that Ian got from Santa while at Grandma Barb and Grampa Ray’s… Ian likes the car to go through tunnels, so we came up with a way to have it go under furniture, first… and then came up with a way to just watch! (Note: Since this was filmed (on February 2nd) we’ve found these cars under the couch, completely drained of battery power about 3 times!!!)

Click here to see not very much Ian, but a lot of ingenuity!
This video is 1.4 MB in length.

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