Artsy Lens, Part II

Same day, check out his nubby little teeth, heh! See this image larger.

Gotta remind myself to remove all eye boogers before photoshoot. See this image larger.

Someday me calling these his “Luke Skywalker Hair Days” will make more sense to him. See this image larger.

Still has a heart of gold. See this image larger.

Like this one a lot for some reason. See this image larger.

So easy to hold still while staring at the TV. Sigh. See this image larger.

Love this one. Would make a neat painting, almost abstract. See this image larger.

I think once we get through some of our newer situations, we’re going to start weening the kids off of so much TV and iPad stuff. See this image larger.

Still, like I said… a good time to take pictures. See this image larger.

I was so impressed with this space ship, I think I’m going to borrow the general design for a project. See this image larger.

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