And so this is Christmas ’08, Part VI

And now back to our Christmas adventures! We loaded up the car and headed for Chris and Anne Marie’s on the 26th of December, 2008…

Yup, Grandma Sue, Mommy, Daddy and Ian motored south. Ian slept for part of the way, completely off his schedule, and needed to run around a nearby playground to burn off some of that saved up energy.

Give that kid a couple of cars, and he’s good for quite awhile. We opened presents that night, but didn’t actually take any pictures of that for some reason. I did get video, which I will be doing some fun stuff with hopefully in a little while. Chef Chris treated us to an excellent dinner this evening as well, before dealing a humbling game of Texas Hold ‘Em to his victims. That night, Ian slept horribly… off schedule, ears hurting, at a new house whenever he opens his eyes… I hope Uncle Chris and Auntie Anne understand Ian can be a much better boy. (Not that he did poorly, he actually was an amazing trooper, if you think about it.) See this image larger.

So the next morning we woke up and Uncle Chris drove his exhausted cargo to Naples.

Upon arrival, Ian immediately took inventory… “One fish, two fish… shhh Daddy I’m counting, here.” You may have noticed the blossoming violet splotch on Ian’s forehead… he slipped on a cement lanai a few days earlier, and it became like a living mood ring on his head… purple means he’s feeling sassy and tired. See this image larger.

Great Grandma Betty knew precisely what to do with her great grandson under the circumstances. We decided to try and either bring food or order it and that was going to take awhile, so these animal crackers came in quite handy… and tasty! See this image larger.

“Hello Applebees? Yes I have an order for 6 people. I need a cheeseburger without the cheese. What? Yes, FINE a HAMBURGER then… SO BE IT!” See this image larger.

And then the opening of the gifts! See this image larger.

Great Grandma Betty gets a kick out of Ian’s insistence that this be opened immediately. See this image larger.

“Well I heard about the fella you been dancin’ with, all ovah the neighborhood… so whydin’t you ask me baby, uh didn’t you think I could?” If you’re confused by that caption, click it and all will become clear. See this image larger.

Ian played “Santa,” distributing the gifts accordingly. It was awesome to see him get names right on the first try for most of us. See this image larger.

A hug of thanks, and maybe an apology or two for turning the stereo on and off 42 times. See this image larger.

And a hug for Grandma Sue! Thanks for coming! See this image larger.

I don’t think I got a good shot with Melissa in it with Grandma, but we did manage to pull off this one and the next. Ian wasn’t even supposed to be in this shot per se, but I think it turned out pretty good! See this image larger.

Granny and the boys! Well, two of the boys. As you could tell from the pacifier being included in more and more shots toward the end there, Ian was running out of energy fast! See this image larger.

It did end up being a relatively quick trip, but it was great to see Great Grandma Betty again! Ian called her “Betty” at one point, which was really awesome, and he’s done so again at least once since seeing these pictures. We all had a good time visiting, and look forward to doing so again! (Or hopefully we’ll see you up in Michigan over the summer sometime, Grandma?) See this image larger.

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