A New Day(care)

Tuesday Gm Sue left Michigan and it was also Ian’s first day at his new daycare. Over the course of the last few days since then we’ve learned more and more about this place in which Ian will be spending a good deal of his time. How does it compare with the old place? Let’s do the math.


– They are further away.
– Ian is used to the people at the old place.


+ He appears to be in less danger.
+ They are cheaper.
+ They provide lunches.
+ They provide a more detailed written analysis of his day.
+ They have a monthly newsletter.
+ They just seem to have their crap together.
+ Code-based security system.
+ Special event days.
+ Tile floor eating area better than cement floor.
+ He comes back smelling like sunscreen almost every day.
+ I got a paper cut-out “#1 Dad” sign and a framed picture of Ian for Father’s Day… from the daycare as a project. Pretty sweet.

Several things made us happy right off the bat on the first day; we were nervous as to how much he liked the place, and they kindly sent us pictures via email.

I have yet to see a picture that confirms that Ian is enjoying himself at daycare. He always seems to look bewildered and like he views the photographer as a paparazzi goon. “Who the heck are you to take pics of me? You don’t look like ANY of my Grampas, Grammas or Dada.” Doesn’t he look old sitting at a desk? See this image larger.

When we heard that there was an ice cream day event, the thought occurred to me that I couldn’t possibly imagine two adults wrangling a gaggle of stumbling toddlers across the street that the daycare is on, in order to get to said ice cream. Enter the six-seater plastic toddler bus. See this image larger.

Yup, in case you didn’t recognize him in that earlier picture, the kid with the vanilla goatee is our boy. Looks like a pretty big cone to me. See this image larger.

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