A Few Bad Days and Nights

On Saturday Ian’s temp was up at 104° to our dismay. We gave him some tylenol and he ended up back down at 101° shortly thereafter. He had slept horribly the night before, and some other weird things were happening. I had found some very strange substance in his diaper, bright green in color. And he wouldn’t stop crying.

We took him into urgent care that night and they checked his ears while doing other routine checks. Another ear infection. Melissa did the math before the doctor or myself could as we got home. It is his teeth again; he’s drooling non-stop (yes he always drools, but the flow increases dramatically when he’s teething) he has his hand in his mouth all the time, he’s cranky, he’s got cold-like symptoms… and a new gesture that neight of us have seen popped up. He grabs his own jaw, so that fingers are on one side near his cheek, and the thumb is on the other, squeezing the other cheek, as if to say “THIS is where it hurts.” Whenever he has had teething issues, the ear issues have followed. The doctor’s diagnosis is right, but more of a symptom than the true root cause.

So if he really has them coming in, and it isn’t just some shifting to get things in place, these will be his “second year molars” six months early.

The oddball diaper turned out to be a red herring as far as clues go. I believe it is simply Play-Doh or Crayons, which can be found at daycare.

I should also note that while Saturday and Sunday were horrible, Monday was only half-bad, he slept well last night, and seems to be doing pretty good today.

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