Best of Easter Video

Ok so this is a HUGE video… it weighs in at 11 MB… so if you have a slow connection you’re going to want to avoid this. This is the best parts of the Easter video that was shot over our Easter visits. The good news about the size is that I made a very sloppy DVD of ALL the Easter footage and will be sending it out to all the grandparents and Great Grandma Betty, very soon.

EDIT – I took down this video until I can split it in half. I’ll put it back up tonight.

EDIT – OK I put the movie back up in two parts…
Click here to see part 1, which still weighs in at a fairly heavy 5.2 MB
Click here to see part 2, which is around 5.8 MB

Some quick commentary to read perhaps after you’ve seen the videos – Love the dunking “in” and dunking “out” noises. Ok, I feel blessed with Ian all the time, but seriously, WHAT TWO YEAR OLD that you’ve EVER met would open up a plastic egg with two suckers (candy) and HAND THEM OUT TO HIS GRANDPARENTS? He does us proud so often. I can’t help but call him Sweet Pea from time to time. And then on top of that, the very first egg he finds on his second hunt… and watch that hesitation… it ALMOST goes in the bucket; but no, Grampa Dave is standing over there without an egg! (stomp stomp) Yes that golfball hits him in the head. At the very end of the last video, he says “I eat it!”

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