Round and Round

News: Today was just a brilliant day, particularly compared to the weekend. Ian has been sick again and I think it was at its worst on Sunday, and it affected his mood poorly. Today he was feeling better, and maybe we just were in the mood to have fun on our Monday together. We got up, ate a lot of cereal, watched “Here Come the ABC’s” (Ian sang a bit of Robot Parade.) He slept for a good long nap, and went down immediately for a change. Woke up, played around etc. Good times.

Two heart-wrenchingly awesome moments that happened today. One was that I helped him into the recliner and as he sat there I asked him “Is that comfortable? I’m asking because I have no idea, Daddy never gets to sit in that chair.” (This was just a bit of a joke, it is my fault I never sit in it because I don’t hang out in the front room that much, I guess.) But he looked at me, concerned, and said “Daddy’s turn!” a few times, and scooted off the chair. When I sat on it he brought me his blankets too. I was a bit choked up that he took me that seriously. What was interesting to me was that I DID NOT SAY ANYTHING about a “turn.” It was cool to have him thinking about what was fair, and trying to help me achieve it. The other thing was that shortly after his nap, we were down in my office watching a video in our separate chairs, and he actually crawled up the side of his chair, spanned the distance between our chairs with his body like a bridge, and put his head on my leg while still watching the video. (He seems to really need a bit of human contact after he wakes up, so the separate chairs was probably a bad idea on my part.)

Flashback – So what happened here… we’ve got a book that walks you through the epic ballad “The Wheels on the Bus.” Melissa is singing the song, but Ian’s going through the book at his own pace. He’s looking at the page “the babies on the bus go wah, wah, wah” but he gets a little confused with the main line… end result “the babies on the bus go round and round.” It’s pretty clear.

Click here to listen to Ian singing, this click is .5 MB in size.

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