New Camera
NOTE – this is the last update of 2008… I’ll spill the beans about Christmas when we returm to Rockford in 2009!
So we’re starting to catch up to the present now. Over the course of the last many entries, we’ve been edging closer.
I decided a week or two that it was time to upgrade our camera technology… I ended up buying a model about a third as expensive as what I had been planning to spend. Curiosly between the camera, accessories, and another item or so that I decided to buy, I still contributed in my way to the recovery of the US economy.
To give you an idea of what this thing is capable of, this is a still image that has been reduced in size and compressed slightly. So this is one of the many frames per second that is captured in the video example, to follow:
And here’s a video… again this has been reduced in size and quality so that it can be hosted on the web.