Names and Faces

Ian is able to correctly identify the following classmates from his younger toddler class. (That’s his old class… some of these kids have moved up with him, some have not.)

Miley – (“Miyey” and/or a perfect “Mylee”)
Jacob – (“Cub”)
Gage – (perfectly – “Gayg”)

He’s taken to just calling Melissa “Ma!” and I’m “Da!” I know we all know that I’m not the manliest of men, so it should come as no surprise that I well up with tears sometimes when he comes running to me across the daycare room floor, pointing and shouting “Da! Da! Da!” Just yesterday he saw me through the office window (he was outside) and he excitedly ran to the deck and through the door to meet me inside. It was interesting to see how well he understood where inside and outside of the house mesh up, so to speak.

At the church nursery there was a moment where I set him down in the play area, and he stood shyly for a moment. He looked up at me for guidance. “You’re alright kiddo. We’re going to be back in just a bit. I think there’s some trains over there if you want to play?” And he looked cautious but a bit more brave… and ran over and played with the trains. (He’d been there before — so I don’t know what was up with that. But it was neat to be able to talk him down from being nervous.)

Several grandparents received unintended phone calls from Ian as he played with my cell phone the other day. Sorry about that! 🙂

I know there’s more about talking and learning. He’s been moving so fast in that arena lately that it is hard to keep up!

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