Something To Chew On

Updates are scarce, sorry.

• Although two of the molars were part way through previous to the beginning of the measured time-period, in the last three and a half weeks Ian has popped five teeth. I could take video or pictures and put them up here, but to be honest when he’s in pain I find it hard to snap away pics or hide behind a video camera.

• One of my buddies online reminded me the other day by telling me “you got your wish…” Apparently at some point I told him that I’d gladly take Ian’s ear problems as my very own if it eased the little guy’s pain… plus I could explain my problem to a doctor, whereas getting Ian to explain his issues is a little more difficult. Anyway, so like he said, I got my wish. I’ve had some really interesting times recently, hearing my own blood pulsing through my eardrum, increased pain, one night in particular the room would spin whenever I laid down, etc. Went to an ENT specialist and it sounds like things are fine for the most part. I have another appointment in a week.

• Ian has a brand new habit of getting an entire mouth full of milk and then allowing it all to drain out onto his bib, or shirt, or whatever.

• Everybody in the house has had very little sleep the last many nights, apparently I’ve gotten the most out of all of us but had no idea, seeing as I was asleep.

• We got a letter from daycare last week saying that Ian will be moving up to the Newbie class. There will be no graduation ceremony for this particular move.

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