More Little Stories
Ok the first one isn’t little so much as important. A couple days ago Levi Schoenborn was finally allowed to leave the hospital, having recovered for the most part from RSV. I can’t imagine what it was like being away from home for so long, and not being able to hold your child for so long.
Here’s some recent Ian stories.
Two days ago (the 27th) Ian sneezed directly into his hand. It looked so natural and good that I didn’t even notice until Ian’s Mommy said “DID YOU SEE THAT?” We gushed praise on him, and he blushed a bit and smiled wide.
Last night Ian ordered me to sit down so I could get a second hug before he went to sleep, that was awesome. It was particularly nice because sometimes he’s been a little difficult — and while I don’t get angry or insulted, it is hard not to feel a little discouraged when your son is yelling “NO DADDY” at you repeatedly.
Talking with Ian about whether or not he’d like a brother or sister, Ian has stated his opinion: That he would like one. No this doesn’t mean anything yet, don’t start counting days or anything.
I think we’re retiring the booster chair in favor of our less-tall travel booster chair. That kid is always growing.
We’re all noticing the grass is greening up a bit, and are looking forward to being able to run around outside. As it is, we’ve had a few opportunities in the last week, and have taken advantage of them whenever possible.
I joined a group of stay-at-home Grand Rapids Dads. Most of them aren’t working, and literally take care of the kids all day. But they meet on Mondays and Wednesdays, and as you probably know, Monday is my day with Ian… so I’m going to join them on Mondays if they’re doing anything fun. Already it has worked to Melissa and I’s advantage; they have a map of places where they meet and it is basically all the fun places one might want to take their kid in the area. On Friday night we checked out a kid’s gym, and Ian had a blast; it was free too. He’ll probably like it more when he’s a bit older, but he had plenty of fun. I’ve got some video, which I will try to share shortly
I’ve got a great video of Ian eating cereal and discovering the magic of the cereal box toy that is sometimes present. He’s still not sure why a new toy isn’t available whenever you open the box again, but he certainly enjoyed the one that did come out.
Ian’s really been paying attention to the potty lately. We’ve got an Elmo video about the potty and I think it has helped him a lot. (It is brought to you by the letter “P” and the number “2.” I’m not kidding. I thought that was hilarious.) On our note from daycare last week there was a small smiley face and a circle around “tried potty,” and he has been kind of experimenting with it at home as well.
I can’t help but feel lately that it is race between Ian figuring out how to defeat the baby-proofing on some of the cabinets, and having him understand what “poison” is. When I open a cabinet that he can’t, he looks at it with his brow furrowed, and tries it himself a few times. Based on the complexity of the things he CAN do at this point, it almost seems like he hasn’t broken into them out of courtesy to Melissa and I, or something. I know it won’t be long, guess we need to move some things around.