October, Part V

On October 10th it was time to meet up with the Schoenborns again to see how Martin, Melissa, Isaac and Levi were doing, and enjoy the hospitality of Robinette’s Apple Orchard. See this image larger.

Nina watches from the sidelines this year, but next year, lookout! See this image larger.

Every year these two boys have a contest to see who can out-cute the other. It is always fiercely battled, and a tie. See this image larger.

That kid loves to run, if you give him a chance! See this image larger.

And yet other times, he seemingly won’t move at all. Case in point, a long line of blonde haired boys await Ian to go down the dang slide. See this image larger.

Finally! See this image larger.

*YES, I’m still sitting here. MUST YOU RUB IT IN?* See this image larger.

Nina was immediately at-ease with Melissa Schoenborn — she has that effect on people, particularly the little ones! We’re inside here for cider and doughnuts! See this image larger.

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