May Flowers

So Ian’s accident-free streak lasted a little over a week. He woke up Monday morning in a big puddle, and Tuesday after I asked him three times if he needed to go (met with a “no!”) he suddenly said “I’m PEEING!” And I discovered I can still move pretty quickly. I won the race against my opponents “gravity” and “wicking.” But anyway, back to the topic at hand… A week of no accidents after only really being at it for a few days, I figure that’s pretty awesome! Even on those days where he has had an accident, it has been ONE accident… that means somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-10 successes for that day. Go kiddo!

Nina now has a cold, and has been taken to the doctor by Melissa. She already seems to be doing a little better, but we’ll see. Nothing too big to worry about yet, we’re keeping a careful eye on her.

And that’s pretty much the news, let’s see some pics!

May 3rd, and Mommy has brought Nina to the dinner table so she can see what’s going on. And what is going on? Well, it turns out we’re a bunch of goofballs, more or less. See this image larger.

Melissa and I have both started noticing Nina’s appreciation for solid food. She hasn’t had any yet, but she keeps looking at it with a great deal of desire. Might be time to start her on it… soon. See this image larger.

Beauty rest! (You’ll want to click on this link to make this image big -> ) See this image larger.

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