Just stuff

Wanted to let you know the update on everything in general.

Nina is doing well and boy oh boy you should see her smile when she wants to. Today marks the first time I ever saw her smile go all the way up to her eyes, and it was quite a sight to see. Melissa has probably seen this before, but I have not. The smiles were the simple result of Mommy saying hi and smiling down at her.

I let Ian watch a kid’s show last night that involved showing cartoon germs. A character dropped a sandwich on the ground and then another character showed him how it was now dirty. I thought this would actually be a good thing for him to know, and this show is made for kids of all ages, but its effect on Ian was frankly horrifying. He freaked out: he cried, was scared, and asked to go to bed early, saying periodically that he did not like the “wiggly worms.” I feel like the worst parent on earth.

Seth has stopped eating food laced with the medication he is supposed to be taking, to the point that I’ve just started giving him his normal food and had to stop giving him the medication. I know this sounds like some form of abuse, but if you were ever around during the attempts to medicate him, you’d know better. It ain’t pretty. If it is a pill, it ends up on the floor. If it is a liquid it ends up on you. And as I said, if it is in his food, he apparently is fine going on a hunger strike until the situation improves.

We’ve had about three sets of people through the house, and no offers.

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